Friends, we have really enjoyed writing this blog for you! It’s kept us in touch with so many people, and we’ve even made new friends through it. But it turns out that there can be too much of a good thing. So we are going to stop posting for a bit. Why? A few reasons. We’re in Italy now, attending Italian classes intensively and focusing most of our attention on learning Italian. And – this is in no way a complaint – it takes a lot of time to keep up a blog. That’s time we could spend memorising irregular verb forms. Or dipping focaccia into our cappuccino (yes, that’s a thing here: it’s better than it sounds, actually, provided you stick to the plain focaccia – nobody wants olives or tomatoes in their coffee).

We’ve learned a lot from writing the blog, most especially about writing to a deadline and about how to share our experiences effectively. And we think those skills will be useful in other endeavours we are planning. We might even write a book about what we’ve learned in our thirty months of continuous travel.

It remains to be seen whether – like Cher – we will continue to take farewell laps, or whether this is really the end of the blog. It depends a little on where we find ourselves in the coming months, metaphorically speaking. Incidentally, we also expect to be on social media significantly less in the future. We might post pictures every once in a while, but for the most part, we’re going off the grid, returning to our former Luddite ways. But please do stay in touch using the methods of our ancestors, especially if you are taking a vacation to somewhere you think we might be! The newsletter is also taking a hiatus. If you’ve subscribed, you already know that, though.

Thank you so much to all of you who followed along on our journey; we’re grateful to you for your support, for all of your encouragement, comments, emails, and likes on social media. Also for your restaurant and hotel recommendations, don’t-miss sights, and introductions to new travel buddies.

This is the worst news possible — even worse than a bad election result today.
You’ll be missed, thank you for taking us along on your journey!
Thank you Sandra!
The beautiful writing, photos, and missives about your amazing life adventures have been a gift! Thank you for transporting us to the wider world, your worlds, and to a full sense of the ways humanity and cultural variation can be so sublime. We need that now. I’ll miss your posts but will be sending best wishes for another wonderful chapter for you ahead. Buoni viaggi!
Thanks Alex! And sorry about all the heartbreaks…