On the road

We Take a Little Break

We’ve been on the road for nearly a year and half, and written over three hundred posts. In that time, we’ve visited 16 countries, 11 of them new to one or both of us. We’ve eaten plentifully, walked incessantly, and done what we could to learn about the places we have called home. We’ve made new friends and found new things we love, and also don’t love. There have been palatial balconies and pitiful beds, bread products and big platters. We’ve learned a ton about what we do and don’t want in a home. Not that we’re settling down any time soon…

Our best view (so far), Mindelo, Cabo Verde

We’ve seen castles, ruins, churches, squares, and tons of art, and travelled on boats, trains, planes, automobiles, buses, trams, and subways. We hung out with the pope, went to Carnaval, and attended the Viennese opera. Along the way, we’ve eaten everything we could find, even if we were fairly sure we wouldn’t like it. We’ve blown through multiple pairs of shoes, two backpacks, one suitcase, and a mobile phone. And we’ve reported about it all, with thousands of pictures and tens of thousands of words! Now it’s time for a little break, a vacation from our vacation if you will. Although, as we keep reminding ourselves, this is not a vacation; it’s our real life!

Our best meal (so far), at Arya Lounge in Istanbul

And now, we’re back in Oxford, England, which feels most like home to us these days. That’s because we’ve been going there for many years, so we know the place, and also because we have a lot of friends there. (We even, almost, bought a flat there once!) We are looking forward to seeing friends and catching up on the business of life. Also, on finishing up a few writing projects for which we need a library (stay tuned for more on at least one of those!) Maybe we’ll even go to the gym once or twice.

Worst meal: a tie! Pickled pine cones, Istanbul…
… and Eels in London (NOT eel pie!)

We have some excellent destinations coming up in the next year that we are eager to share with you: Kotor, Montenegro; Sevilla, Spain; Puerto Rico; Guyana; French Guiana; Suriname – and a few more! But first, we’re going to take a little break from our thrice-weekly blog posts while we’re in Oxford. We’ve already written lots about Oxford in 2022, and the truth is, we need a rest. So we’ll be off-duty for about six weeks, but never fear – we’ll keep posting to Facebook and Instagram during our little break. And – drum roll please – we’ll be working on a redesign of our website to be rolled out in mid-November! In the meantime, look for us on Facebook and Instagram, where we’ll continue our deep insights, droll commentary, and adequate photography, in abbreviated form!

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