It’s that time again, when we pack up and head somewhere new. We’ve spent a relatively short time here, but we’ve really enjoyed it. Here’s what we liked about Vanuatu!
Everyone was incredibly friendly. In lots of places we have met friendly people, but they are often friendly so as to sell you things. Not here. The people seem genuinely interested and happy to talk. More than once someone sat down at our table to chat, to offer recommendations, or to ask us questions. Particularly those with little kids: we felt like a full quarter of the people we saw on the streets were under the age of six! We especially loved being here for Independence Day and seeing families dressed up in the same patterns!

Hotel (and Casino)

We don’t normally like staying in hotels; they prevent us from interacting with people and we can’t cook our own food. But this one was a winner! Yes, ok: we never actually entered the casino, but we found it hilarious to be living in one. We liked hanging out by the pool. And The Grand Hotel and Casino Vanuatu also happens to be the tallest building in the entire country. It tops out at a lofty seven floors, and we lived near the top. We picked this place for the location, and we were right: it was very close to the downtown area, and super-convenient to the rest of town too.

We also liked the hotel’s restaurant. Not only were the staff wildly friendly (see above), but there were lots of local food options. And a hot chocolate bar, which now goes on our list of things every hotel should have.

Climate and Location
We are here during the dry season. It’s not especially dry, but the rains are usually either fast and furious or very light, like a pleasant mist. And Port Vila is prettier than most capital cities. There are factories and government buildings, but everything is well-taken care of. And – as always – we loved having a view of the water.

Laurel went diving a few times too, and really enjoyed it – nothing spectacular, but lots of colourful reef fish, sea stars, anemone, and nudibranches. There was even an easy wreck, the Konanda, not far from shore, with loads of life on it.
As we’ve said, the food here is not spectacular. But it is very good. French pastries aside (they were very, very good), we think we’ve eaten more healthily here than in most places. (Partly this is due to our commitment to make salads at home once every day or two.) In addition, restaurants often serve high-quality local meats and seafood, simply prepared, with an abundance of vegetables. Which isn’t to say we didn’t enjoy the chocolate and local alcohol!
Pace of Life
Finally, we got quickly accustomed to the pace of life here. Things get done in good time, but no one seems to be running around. People stop and talk, there is lots of camaraderie, and everyone is ready to help when necessary. A stroll along the water is the perfect way to end the day, watching the children play while the sun sets. Also, occasionally you are hanging out at your local beach bar and a guy shows up to juggle with fire.

Those are a few of the things we liked about Vanuatu. We’d recommend it to anyone looking to get off the beaten path and have some quality relaxing time.
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