We’re back, refreshed and rested from our time in Oxford – where we caught up with friends, read, wrote, ate meat pies, and enjoyed the Thames Valley miasma. It was so rainy during our trip. How rainy was it? Well, really rainy. Our flat (near the river) began to show signs of mould, and so did we ourselves.
You will have noticed by now that our blog has a new streamlined look. Let us know what you think of it! And we love improving, so especially let us know if you notice anything wonky.
On our long nighttime journey from there to here, we found this inspirational tidbit, in, of all places, Heathrow airport. (We especially like the fact that HSBC did not think it necessary to use a scrawny model; the woman below, like us, looks like she knows how to enjoy herself at the table as well as in midair!)

Speaking of airport inspiration, we also came upon an unexpected rainbow in Vienna – we’ve never seen so much of a rainbow before, not even in Ireland or New Zealand (two places brimming with rainbows). it was especially welcome through a window in an industrial setting.

So: we’re back, and we are super-excited to share with you our new temporary home – Kotor, Montenegro (hints: spectacular, fantastic, and great). And to offer advice about chucking it and pursuing the itinerant lifestyle! As well as the occasional food porn.

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We’ll see you soon – regular posts start up on Monday, along with a brand-new newsletter!